Changelog version 4.6

1) Added: Average return by Trading Day graphs in Seasonal Builder.
2) Added: 25C/75S, 50C/50S, 75C/25S fund options.
3) Fixed: Seasonal Calculator graphs date picker.

Changelog version 4.5

1) Added: Ability to skip or leave out years on Seasonal Builder.
2) Fixed: Two bugs which showed incorrect statistics in the Seasonal Strategies table.
3) Added: DFAS Army Civ option to Contribution Calculator.

Changelog version 4.4

1) Added: TSPcalc logo and html to emails.
2) Added: Notes to IFT alerts.
3) Added: Sales tax for Washington State residents.

Changelog version 4.3

1) Changed: The "Seasonal Strategies" table now uses pre-calculated statistics for faster page loading. New strategies will not be added to the "Seasonal Strategies" table immediately. It will now take about 5 minutes for them to be listed.

Changelog version 4.2

1) Added: Feature for easily benchmarking against "My Watchlist" strategies.
2) Fixed: Daily update now occurs in the background. Website will not go down each day to update share prices.
3) Fixed: Javascript file will automatically re-download. New code changes will not require a cache clear on the user's device.
4) Fixed: "Total Compound Return" column of the Seasonal Strategies table now allows 5 digits instead of 4. (10000%)
5) Fixed: A bug where two strategies, one with a trading-day trade and the other with a holiday trade could have the same strategy #.
6) Fixed: A bug that prevented you from switching directly from a holiday trade to a trading-day near that holiday trade.

Changelog version 4.0

1) Added: Contribution Calculator. Free for public use, but subscribers can save their plan to their account.
2) Added: "Next IFT" in "My Watch List" now indicates the next fund AND date.
3) Added: The Seasonal Calculator "Results" table is now dynamic, allowing you to update the year range on the fly.
4) Added: The Seasonal Calculator "Results" table now allows you to click on a benchmark to immediately show its full stats table.
5) Added: The Seasonal Calculator "Results" table now shows Standard Deviation for each month column.
6) Added: Snazzy TSPcalc Logo.
7) Added: The three Seasonal tools are now grouped together in desktop navigation.
8) Added: The Seasonal Calculator now allows you to enter schedule your IFTs relative to a holiday or End-of-Month.
9) Added: The Seasonal Builder now provides current-year data as soon as each month is over.
10) Added: The Seasonal Builder is sporting two new statistics which show HOW OFTEN and BY HOW MUCH the selected strategy beats the core funds (G,F,C,S,I)
11) Changed: Logging in now returns you to the page you were on, rather than directing you to "My Account".
12) Changed: Fund colors have been changed to match the colors of
13) Added: Print button for Seasonal Calculator trading calendars.
14) Added: Print button for Seasonal Calculator graphs.
15) Changed: The Seasonal Calculator "Results" table now represents the core funds by their letter "G,F,C,S,I" rather than their strategy #.
16) Fixed: "# of IFTs" for Core Funds should read 0, not 1, even though the calculator will display it as a single IFT on 1st TD of January.
17) Added: Strategies and benchmarks are now color-matched between the Results table and the Graphs.

Changelog version 3.2

1) Added: Seasonal Builder research published.
2) Changed: Trading Calendar now requires subscription.
3) Fixed: You can now use "best-fit" with "monthly filtering" on the Seasonal Builder.
4) Changed: Seasonal Builder will sort by your criteria first, and then by highest mean 2nd. So if two records have the same value for your "sort by" field, then they will be ordered by highest mean.

Changelog version 3.1

1) New Tool: Seasonal Builder. Requires subscription.
2) Hotfix: Duplicate SMS alerts.
3) Hotfix: Daily update not finishing.

Changelog version 3.0

1) Removed: Donations.
2) Added: Subscriptions for $19.99/year.
3) Added: Personalized "Watch List" for subscribers, which is visible from "My Account".
4) Added: IFT alerts by e-mail or SMS (for subscribers). Alerts can be sent up to 24 hours prior to the IFT deadline.
5) Fixed: Major rewrite of the mobile website.
6) Fixed: Major speed improvement on the seasonal calculator.
7) Added: "Trading Day Comparison." For subscribers only.


Seasonal Calculator v4.6

This website was made possible by craft beer and my sunny balcony.
If you like this site, please consider subscribing to help keep the lights on and the beer flowing.

Recommended reading: "Seasonal Musings" at